Every pastor and parish leader now has an intentional channel to receive straightforward solutions and assistance. In addition, a fellow disciple is at your service to help you tackle any issue or question you are facing. Consider this your parish leadership resource hub.
Heavenly Father, deserving of all our love,
graciously guide the beginning of our work,
direct its progress, and bring it to completion,
Bestow Your grace upon those whom we serve.
Bless our priests, deacons, and religious,
make them ever faithful in your service.
Bless our teachers and catechists;
and all those who bring the truth of our
Catholic faith to a world in need of Your love.
Bless all the faithful of this Archdiocese;
grant that they will grow in love of
Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ,
who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit.
We especially invoke the intercession of our patroness the Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculately Conceived. Amen.
9:00 AM | Monday - Friday
United as one church in Western Oregon, Bishop Peter Smith or delegate, leads weekday Morning Prayer in order that our work in the vineyard of the Lord is centered on why we do what we do.